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PGL Activity Centre at Caythorpe

PGL Activity Centre at Caythorpe


A Fantastic opportunity for a two night residential trip to the PGL centre at Caythorpe with various team building activities. Cost covers transport, accommodation and meals. Further details have been provided in a letter sent home with students.

The total cost of this trip is £ 204 payable via either of the 2 options:

Option 1: - Full Payment £204 by 18/04/2024 

Option 2:  - 4 Installments £51, (Oct, Dec, Feb, Apr)

Please note, first installment amount of £51, will be non-refundable after 30/10/24 as the booking will have been placed with PGL.

A medical form will be issued for completion by all students attending.

If you have any additional questions regarding this trip please contact Gemma Nugent

Payment 3


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